R.T. ROssome

Ross Tanner (R.T. Rossome) loves creating stories that inspire young and old readers alike.  He encourages all readers to embrace their own individuality through his relatable characters. All stories look to instill God inspired lessons of love, gratitude, and acceptance.  God Bless and always remember: YOU ARE SO AWESOME YOU'RE ROSSOME!!!


Ryan has always been a dedicated illustrator. Always creating characters and artwork in his secret underground lair. Pencil or computer, Ryan has a passion to draw. He also loves ninjas, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and  healthy living. Ryan and Rossome grew up drawing and creating together and it just so happened that years later they would reunite to pick up where they left off.  


Office: 973-590-4043

Email: Ross@rossomeryancreations.com  
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